Sunday, December 25, 2011

Tralin Arendu - Escape, Riften and more

While being led to the block, Tralin and the others heard a loud scream.
A few minutes later, a Dragon attacks the small village Helgen, and Tralin flees.

Now, being scared to death, Tralin heads south, not knowing where she is going.
Then, after a few hours of walking, she finds a Fort. Not expecting anything bad, she walks towards the fort, when suddenly 3 bandits jump her.
She starts running, while the bandits come from behind, shooting arrows and firing lightning.
There she decides that she should just turn around, and fight.
After some blows with her iron sword and some lightning and fire, Tralin stands happily, wielding a brand new steel axe and iron armor.

Tralin now enters the keep, where she meets two bandits, who, after a few moments, lie down on the ground, their souls now in a better place.
She stands in the middle of the mead hall, looking around for nice stuff to wear. She spots a nice chest, where she finds a complete steel armor set. While dressing, two bandits appear up on the walls, shooting arrows at Tralin.
Tralin turns around and shoots some lightning at the bandits, but they are out of reach.
She runs towards one of the two side doors, hoping to find a way upstairs.
And indeed, after defeating a bandit, she finds a stair.
She runs upstairs, the bandits only have moments left to live.
After the two bandit-archers are dead, Tralin opens a door.
In the next room, there is a big orc, wielding a two handed claymore.
He seems to be the bandit chief, he immediatley attacks Tralin.
After a long and potion consuming battle, Tralin wins.

Then, after spending the night in her nice new fort, she makes her way to the nearby town of Whiterun, to catch a carriage and go to her final destination, Riften.

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