Thursday, January 5, 2012

Audei Nucciu - Volunruud

In Winterhold, Audei talked to the Jarl. He said "I saw the bandits, they bought some supplies and then wanted to go to Volunruud."
Audei: "Volunruud? The cave? I heard that there is the Hunting Bow of Sparks!"
Jarl: "Yes, but that is not the main reason. There are artifacts you can't even imagine! You definetly should check it out."

So Faendal and Audei headed towards Volunruud.
Over the mountains, through a small forest and then again, mountains.
Audei thought: "Would be so nice to have a horse..."
They went through some bushes and saw a dead bandit lying on the ground. And next to him was a frightened  and hungry horse. Audei gave the horse some carrots and it started following our group. Audei tried to ride the horse and it let him. He pulled Faendal up on the horse, he didn't weigh much because he is a Bosmer, a Woodelf.

So they continued their way to Volunruud, now a lot faster because of the horse.
When they arrived, they saw that something happened there, there was blood on the snow and a corpse, burnt unidentifiable, lay on the ground.

They entered Volunruud, and were immediately attacked by Skeletons and Draugr.
Audei and Faendal made it to the main chamber in Volunruud, were there were three ways.
The one to the middle was short, and there was a door, but Audei decided to first explore a bit, find out what they're up against.
They went right and were now in a small room. The floor had a giant hole in it, about 2 meters deep and with some stairs. Suddenly, on the other side of the room there appeared two Draugr archers. They shot their ancient nord arrows at Audei and Faendal. Faendal, being a really good archer, shot back and hit the first Draugr in the eye. By the time Faendal was done aiming, Audei had already finished the second Draugr.
They continued forwards, and they now were in a small room with a throne at its end. On the throne sat a Draugr Scorge, one of the mythical dead nords who have mastered the power of the Voice, the Thu'um.
Audei charged and the Draugr Scorge shouted: "FUS.... RO DAH!" and Audei was captured in a shockwave that threw him across the room. Faendal had already shot the Scorge in the eye, but that didn't stop it.
Now, while Faendal was distracting the Scorge, Audei got up. He went up behind the Scorge and rammed his dear steel sword through it's heart. But the Scorge just turned around, ripping Audei's sword out of his hands. Audei ducked under the next "Fus... Ro Dah!" and grabbed a dwarven sword that stuck in the ground and cut the head off the Scorge. The Scorge sunk to the ground, and didn't get up again. Faendal and Audei searched the corpse and found its weapon. It had some runes on it, Faendal could read them. They said "Ancient Ritual Sword".

Now they went the left way, and again, a Draugr Scorge. They defeated the Scorge similar to the last one, by cutting its head of. This one was bearing an Ancient Ritual Axe.

Now they went into the middle room, it contained a table with an elven shield and some troll fat.
After taking these things, they took a closer look at the ancient door. It contained two places where the ancient ritual weapons fit perfectly. They put the weapons in place and the door opened. They entered the Elder's Cain and, after they walked through a few tunnels, they found themselves in a giant hall.
On a giant throne in the hall sat a ghost called Kvenel.
Audei friendly approached him, but the ghost drew two axes and charget at Audei and Faendal.

The ghost hit Audei in the stomach with his first blow, then with his second blow he hit him in the right leg.
Audei could barely walk, but he took out his dwarven sword and charged. He cut the head off of the ghost, but he just grew a new one. Faendal shot an arrow and hit the ghost in the eye.
That got his attention. He charged towards Faendal, and Audei saw a coffin, half open.
In there was a skeleton, on the coffin were the letters KVENEL.
The skeleton had an enchanted amulet around its neck.
Audei figured, something is keeping the ghost in the world of the living, and that has to be the amulet.
Someone must have taken Kvenel's soul and trapped it in the amulet!
Audei ripped the amulet off the skeletons neck, and Kvenel fell to the ground.
But seconds after that, Kvenel just got up again.
So Audei took the silver dagger his father gave him when he was 10, and rammed it into the amulet.
Kvenel fell to the ground and disappeared.

Faendal and Audei now searched the coffin, and they found a sword labelled "Eduj".
Audei grabbed the sword and said: "From now on I will wield this blade! The thugs shall feel my wrath!"

Audei Nucciu - Execution and more

Audei and the others arrived in Helgen.
They got off the carts and were standing in lines.
Then Lokir started running away and the archers killed him.
Now the first of the Stormcloaks advanced towards the block and lay his head down.
The axe hit his neck and his head fell down.
Now the captain of the guard told Audei to go up front.
He went towards the block and lay his head on the block.
Then, seconds before Audei's life was supposed to end, a Dragon grabbed the executioner and killed him.
Audei got up and ran as fast as he could.

He exited the village and took a look at a map.
Audei was near a bigger town called Whiterun. He decided to go towards the town, ask if anyone saw his father and the thugs.

Arriving in the town, the guards asked him if he had any news.
He told them that a Dragon attacked Helgen and that everyone except him was dead.
They let him in the city and he went ahead and asked the first person he saw, a blacksmith.
"Have you seen my father? He was captured by several thugs, they must have gone through here""Son, son, calm down. I haven't seen yer father, my son, there are many thugs and travellers who go through ole Whiterun, my son"
"Ok. Do you know anyone who might know more?"
"Why don't ye go to the Jarl, my son."
"Ok, before I go, do you have anything for sale?"
The blacksmith sold him a nice hide armor, hide bracers and hide boots, his favourite armor. He also sold him an iron helmet.

Audei went to the Jarl, and he told him that he saw a group of thugs with a captive man on the road to Winterhold.

It was clear, Audei had to go towards Winterhold. But before he went, he went to a small village near Whiterun, to get some more supplies and find a place where he can spend the night.
There he met a wood-elf, and excellent archer, his name was Faendal.
He told him his story and Faendal said: "If I can help you in any way, just say it! I really want you to find your father!"
Audei: "Ok, sure, I could use some help. Will you go to Winterhold with me?"
Faendal: "Yeah, sure"

They spent the night in the local Inn.
The next day they went forwards. There was no direct path to Winterhold, they had to go through the mountains. On their way, they shot a few wolves to sell their hides when they arrived in Winterhold.

Up on the mountains, Audei and Faendal found a corpse. It looked like it's only been there a few hours, and it had fresh arrow wounds on him, and guess what, they were fire arrows, just like the ones used by the thugs.
They searched the corpse and found a note saying that this person was a treasure hunter, and he was looking for a Hunting Bow of Sparks in the caves of Volunruud.

Well, anyway, they went on, and after a few battles with wolves and a bandit, they arrived in Winterhold.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Audei Nucciu - Beginning

Once upon a time Audei Nucciu was born in the Imperial City of Cyrodiil.
His parents were both Imperials, rich and owned a huge villa just outside Cheydinal, Cyrodiil.
Audei had a younger brother, Albeci, who he was constantly arguing with, like brothers do.
He grew up learning the art of marksmanship from his father, and his mother taught him how to read, cook and brew potions from the simple plants that grow everywhere.
In his free time, Audei's father was a hunter.

But one day, Audei just turned 18, his mother had just finished cooking some salmon steak, some thugs came.
They shot fire arrows at the house, one of these arrows killed Audei's mother.
Albeci, just 16, tried to cast a fire spell, he was very talented in the arcane arts, when the chief-thug stabbed him in the back. Albeci died in a matter of seconds.
His father came out of the forest, storming at the thugs with his sword, but they were too many. Audei could barely hide barrel. And he helplessly watched as the thugs captured his father and ran off into the direction of Skyrim. 

Audei immediately grabbed his sword, bow, hide armor and cooking stuff.
Then he went to his horse and headed towards the Jerall-Mountains, the border to Skyrim.
After crossing the mountains, his horse stumbled and broke its ankle. He left the horse there to die, he couldn't do anything to help it.

His father taught him how to read tracks when Audei was 10, so now he could follow the thugs tracks. He found his father's gold-sapphire amulet, a family heirloom and tucked it into his waist pocket.
Following the road further, he spotted a few persons dressed in blue-black armor.

Of course Audei hadn't heard about the Stormcloak rebellion, he wasn't very politically interested.

But these soldiers he saw, were Stormcloaks, but not any Stormcloaks, it was their leader, Ulfric and his lieutenants. Audei went to them, and they welcomed him as he was a good hunter and good fighter.
Audei became friends with one of the Stormcloaks, Ralof.
And so they followed the tracks, the Stormcloaks wanted to help Audei with his quest.
But then they stumbled across the horse-thief Lokir of Rorikstead.

A few days later, an Imperial patrol found and captured them, and since Audei was with the Stormcloaks, they assumed he was one of them. They were lead to Helgen, a small Village and Ralof's home.
There they are about to be executed.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Tralin Arendu - Brand-Shei

*contains spoilers about the Brand-Shei quest*

One day, Tralin was going to Riften to sell some armor she made.
She walked up to the dark elf where she usually sells her stuff, and greeted him.
After selling some hides and armor she asks about his name.
He said: "My name is Brand-Shei". She responded "Brand-Shei? That's an unusual name for a dark elf!"
Brand-Shei said: "I may be dark elf by birth, but I was raised argonian. Through reasons I'm still trying to discover, I am an orphan, I was discovered by a kind argonian family. I hope that I one day find out how that happened to me."
Tralin asked: "Do you have any clues about your origin?"
Brand-Shei answered: "Yes, when my argonian father found me, I was wrapped in a blanket with the signs of the Telvani house, wich was a very powerful house a long time ago. But that doesn't necessarily mean that I'm a Telvani."
"But why did you search in skyrim?"
"I learned that a matron from the house Telvani escaped from Morrowind to Skyrim in the accession war. Records show that she bought passage on a sailing ship called "The Pride Of Tel Vos", but I ended up empty handed after searching many years."

She remembered that she heard of a sunken ship just north-east of Winterhold, and decided to travel there.
She went to Greenwall first, to store the unneeded gear and get travel-ready.
After storing her gear in Greenwall, she went back to Riften, to hire a carriage that will get her to Winterhold.

Then, after arriving in Winterhold, she headed north-east.
The cold burned her feet, hands and face, it seemed that just wearing a robe some shoes just wasn't enough to keep her warm in this cold. She arrived at the shore, the ice cold water waist deep, burning her skin through the thin robe. But she had to go on, she needed to find out where Brand-Shei came from. After a long and cold swim she arrived at a ship which collided with a small Island. On that island were two bandits, the first one was hit by a lightning bolt directly in the chest, he flew about 2 meters before collapsing on the island. The second one charged towards Tralin, but he didn't last long against her sword and lightning. She advanced towards the ship, and saw a chest inside. But before she could open the chest, she was attacked by a bandit chief. Tralin fired her lightning, but it didn't affect the bandit much, the chief was just staggered. But then, after a few health potions and a few strikes of her sword, the chief lay dead on the ground. Tralin opened the chest, and found a book entitled "Lymdenn Telvanni's Journal". She read it, and it described Brand-Shei as the last heir of the Telvanni house, and it names him Brandyl.

Tralin immediately heads back to Riften and gives Brand Shey (Brandyl) the book.
He thanks her, and even gives her the key to his strongbox where he keeps some stuff.
After Tralin took some garnets from the box, she talked to Brand-Shei. He said: "An amulet of mara? You're looking for marriage, then?"
Tralin responds: "Yes, I do. And I you're interested in me, aren't you?"
Brand-Shei answers: "I won't lie, I am."
Tralin: "And I won't lie either. I am interested in you, too."
Brand-Shei: "Then it is settled. We shall marry. Talk to the priest in the temple."

Tralin went to the temple, and told the Priest, Marmal, that she wanted to have a wedding.
He told her to wait till dawn, then everyone would gather. So she waited till dawn, and Brand-Shei and all her friends came. Marmal asked them if they wanted to live together and server each other, till death do them part. They both responded with yes.

After the ceremony, Tralin asked Brand-Shei if he could move in with her, live with her at Fort Greenwall.
Now they are both home, and happy.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Tralin Arendu - Staff!

One day, Tralin decides to go out and adventure a bit. She heads west.
While strolling through the forest, she stumbles upon an old dwemer ruin.
In the middle of the ruin, she sees a person, wielding a staff and wearing black robes. She carefully approaches the ruin, but the person discovers her, and immediately attacks her. After a short battle, Tralin now owns a Staff Of Frostbite and nice black robes.

Continuing forwards, she sees a small cave, accompanied by a camp.
She sneaks near and sees some witches talking. Not thinking about it much, she attacks. Her lightning bolt hit the first witch right in the chest, the other witch got fried. One of the witches was wielding a staff of chain lightning, which Tralin immediately grabbed. Then she entered the cave, only to find more and more witches, who mostly were unaffected by her lightning. Realizing that the witches were unaffected by her lightning, and resisted her bound sword, she decides that it's time to go back and use weapons made of real steel and other materials. So she is now fighting, one sword in her right hand and the lightning staff in her left, cutting, hitting and frying all of the witches.

After that experience she was so tired, she just wanted to go home. So she made her way back to Fort Greenwall, only to fall asleep as soon as her body hit the bed.

Bovkin - Falkreath

He continues to walk, and then he sees a light shining through the forest.
Of course he walks towards the light, only to find a wanderer fighting a bandit.
Bovkin runs towards the next rock and hides. From there he watches the wanderer kill the bandit.
Bovkin walks towards the bandit and loots all his stuff, to sell it as soon as he reaches the next village.

While he walks along the road, he sees a suspension bridge going from one small wooden tower to another.
Ontop of these towers, there are people. Bovkin approaches the towers, and the people Immediately start firing arrows at him. Without thinking much, Bovkin pulls out his fear spell, and blasts wave after wave at the people.

He continues along the road, and sees some lights in the distance. He walks towards them, only to find out that it's the city Falkreath. There he spent the night in the local Inn, the "Dead Man's Drink". The next morning, after sleeping only a few hours, he talks to one of the locals, who asks him to deliver the ashes of a good friend of his to the local priest of Arkay. He accepts and brings the ashes to a High Elf on the cemetery. For this small task, he gets 250 Septims, enough to spend the next 25 days in Falkreath. He decides to make Falkreath his home and spend the next few weeks there, just out of the grasp of the Whiterun soldiers.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Tralin Arendu - Changes, Falmer and Magic

After spending a few nice months at Greenwall, Tralin decides that it's time for some more adventuring.
So she rolls a dice and decides to head into a random direction.
After walking a few kilometres, she comes across a weird place, where some wolves attack her.
She easily defeats them, but then a weird creature, looking like a tree, glowing in green, attacks her.
The thing broke her ribs in its first attack. But she did strike back, breaking its arm in the first attack with her new steel mace. After that, the fight went easy. She killed the thing in a matter of minutes.

Then she continued her way to a cave she saw in a few kilometers distance.
After a long walk, the sun was already setting, she entered the cave. There was nothing surprising in it, just a few bandits who lived there and a saber-tooth cat. After killing the cat, she went forward and saw a weird, golden door. She kicked the door open and saw a room that was completely empty, except for an altar made of white marble and that weird golden material. On that altar, there was a giant coin purse and some healing potions.

She took the coin purse, and in that second, a door opened and some weird creatures jumped out. They were really hard to kill, it used up all her magic power. Then she looked at the altar again, to find two books: One was labelled "Falmer - Creatures or Sentient beings?" and the other "How to conjure a sword". Tralin took her time and read the first one. It contained pictures of the weird creatures and described them as Falmer. Then she read the other one, it described how she could conjure a sword made of pure magic, but she didn't have any use for that now.

She took another look at the door and saw that it was a way inside the hill. Of course she went inside, only to find more and more of these creatures, deadly like nothing else.
Whilst she was in these caves, a Falmer broke her right arm, her sword arm. Now, being unable to properly fight, she settles for only using magic. That tactic promises more success against these creatures of the night.
Having more success now, she tries the conjured sword, because her mace fell into the river.
That sword has much more effect against the Falmer. She decides to abandon her old ways, no more heavy armor, no more hard steel, no more stealing. She decides that she will now lead a better life.

After fighting the Falmer and other creatures of the night, she finally finds a way out of the damned cave.